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Mission Statement

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It is the mission of the Marshall Secondary School Athletic Department to inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.

– Provide a comprehensive athletic program that emphasizes the development of lifelong learning, values and skills through hard work, sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.

– The program is based upon open communication and mutual respect among school administration, instructors, coaches, athletes, parents and officials.

– The program serves as a positive, powerful, productive force for our, schools, community and most importantly the student-athlete. The program will provide an opportunity.

Athletic Department Objectives:

To provide an attractive program for the student-athlete:

  • Provide the student-athlete with an enjoyable and rewarding experience
  • Make player safety and welfare our highest priority

To give quality instruction in the fundamentals of each sport offered:

  • Specific athletic skills and strategies
  • Sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play

To be an integral part of the secondary school curriculum:

  • Inspiring all athletes to give their highest effort in the classroom, as well as, on the
  • playing field
  • To stress the importance of self-discipline in both the classroom, the community and on
  • the field
  • Teach our athletes that dignity, self-worth and self-esteem are achieved through hard
  • work
  • To create a positive school climate that is enhanced when student-athletes and remaining student population work together as a team to represent their school in interscholastic competition.
  • Develop concepts of goal attainment through hard work and rigorous self-discipline, and

to provide a vehicle for the development of interest in curricular school programs and for post-secondary educational opportunities

To make the athletic program a source of both school and community pride:

  • Help each athlete to interact positively with faculty, community and fellow students
  • Make the team a positive influence on all who come in contact with it
  • To demonstrate the social competence of operating within a set of rules, thus gaining a
  • respect for the rights of others, and an understanding that penalties follow rule violations


Co-curricular activities enrich the educational and social development and experiences of students. The Pasadena Unified School District shall encourage and support student participation in co-curricular activities without compromising the integrity and purpose of the educational program. To encourage and support academic excellence, PUSD requires students in grades 9 through 12 to earn a minimum 2.0 or "C" grade point average on a 4.0 scale in order to participate in co-curricular activities. The GPA is based on the quarter grade. If a student fails to meet the required 2.0 GPA a student may apply for probation one time for 9th – 12th grade. The probation is not a right, and requires the approval of the Athletic Director, the Parent/Guardian, District Director of Student Athletics and the Principal. All students who participate under a probation must attend academic tutoring as described in the agreement. The probation is for one grading period.

Student Statisticians/Managers

These individuals are considered participants of the sporting event and should follow the same guidelines as players and cheerleaders for their sport.

Game Day Participation

In order to participate in a school-day practice or contest, a student athlete must be in attendance four periods of the school day. Field trips, Alternate Learning Experiences, concurrent enrollment, medical/dental appointments and special family situations may be excused by an administrator.



Coaches in different seasons of sports will work cooperatively with other coaches on the scheduling of tryouts as to minimize disruption to the current season of sport but at the same time allows coaches of upcoming sports an opportunity to select teams prior to the start of the season.

Where an impasse results the administration may be involved in rendering a decision.  The underlying premise is that this decision is always going to be based on what is best for the student.  The student should never be put in the middle of a disagreement between coaches.  This may or may not result in several tryouts for the team at different dates and times with the intent of selecting the best team and at the same time provide access to the program by all students.

Transportation of Athletic Teams

  1. All participating school personnel (coaches, players, cheerleaders, statisticians, student managers, etc.) must be transported by school provided transportation to and from games.
  2. Any special arrangements for individual transportations must be requested and approved by the head coach. The parent or legal guardian must initiate the request prior to the actual occurrence and the athlete is required to ride home with his/her parents or guardians. The request from the parent or legal guardian is to be in the form of a signed written note. It would be considered prudent policy not allowing any athletes to deviate from this procedure. As everyone is aware, the adult in charge of the activity is solely responsible for every student in the activity.
  3. Under no circumstances may a school bus be used for any athletic event unless it has been properly requested and approved.
    1. The Athletic Director will arrange for bus transportation
    2. The transportation supervisor will provide the Athletic Director a schedule of transportation to be given to the coaches.
    3. Coaches will leave a completed trip roster designating who is on the bus for each trip at the designated location.
    4. Coaches will indicate pickup and drop-off times for the buses.
  4. Transportation by means other than school bus must be approved by the Athletic Director and Principal