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Teachers Instructional Requirements

Marshall Fundamental Standards-Based Instructional Requirements

1. The California Content Standards
These Standards are the foundation upon which all instruction is developed at MFSS. Close adherence to the Standards ensures consistency of curriculum and equity of instruction for our diverse student population. It is, therefore, essential that you:
Clearly and completely understand The Content Standards for each class/grade level you are teaching.

  • Develop a "Curriculum Map" for each subject, each semester.
  • Collaborate with teachers in your department to establish "vertical teams" for coherent and consistent curriculum.

2. Instructional Requirements for Focused Outcomes

  • A Syllabus for each class each semester
  • Posted daily Standards and lesson objective(s)
  • Differentiated instructional strategies
  • Posted rubrics
  • Use of Cornell Notetaking for class notes, text readings and homework assignments
  • Bloom's Taxonomy utilization daily
  • Weekly writing assignments
  • A Homework Board indicating regularly assigned weekly homework
  • Current student work posted
  • Use of Student Planner/Handbook

3. Lesson Plans
Daily lesson plans need to include the following:

  • The Standard being taught
  • Assessments being used
  • Diverse teaching strategies being implemented
  • Re-assignment(s) and intervention strategies being utilized
  • Homework assignments, which at a minimum, adhere to the District Homework Policy

4. Each classroom must contain the following to advance school-wide instructional consistency:

  • The Content Standard being taught each day (in "kid-friendly") language)
  • The daily lesson objective for each class.
  • A Homework Board with current and upcoming assignments (see PUSD Homework Policy)
  • Posted Rubrics and Bloom's Taxonomy
  • Current student work displayed

5. Bottom Line High Expectations for all students require teacher pre-planning, school-wide consistency of instruction, adherence to the California Content Standards and collaboration among department members.