Career & Financial Advisor
Hello! My name is Ramon De La Torre, and I will be joining the Marshall Fundamental Counseling Team as the Career & Financial Aid Advisor. I will be working with students applying to college, as well as mentoring students for career choices. I am excited to meet all of you and help as much as I can. Every student's life journey is different, and that's what makes college or career hunting just as amazing, there are so many options available.
Some background information about myself. I was born and raised here in the City of Pasadena, CA. I attended Pasadena High School and after graduating I completed my B.A. in Criminology and Justice Studies and minored in Chicano Studies at California State University Northridge (CSUN).
My previous career and education have led me to Marshall Fundamental to help students with post-high school planning. I’m excited to be here and you all can find me in the College and Career Center A-16. Go Eagles!
Ramon De La Torrevillatoro
Financial Aid Advisor
Marshall Fundamental College & Careers Advisor