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Pasadena City College Upward Bound

Upward Bound is one of the four federally funded TRIO programs hosted at Pasadena City College. Upward Bound strives to give students from first-generation, low-income backgrounds the tools and the opportunity to attend college. 

How Can Upward Bound Help You?

We want to help you earn a high school diploma and attend college. As an Upward Bound participant, you have the opportunity to participate and benefit from the following no-cost offerings:

  • College visits (CSU, UC, HBCU, and Private Schools) and cultural field trips
  • College application and financial aid assistance
  • Tutoring and instruction in core subjects
  • Study and life skills
  • SAT and ACT exam preparation
  • Six-week summer instruction which includes a residential component
  • Opportunity to meet new friends and experience new adventures