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Fine Arts Department

Welcome to Fine Arts

Welcome to the Fine Arts Department

New Classes 2023 - 2024

Color & Composition (ACI 9th)

The Color & Composition course is a year-long program that combines service-learning pedagogy and art-making. The course focuses on meaningful service, going beyond volunteering and community service to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Art-making is open-ended and student-centered; with students collaborating with team members to plan, execute, document, and present their service and inform the creation of artwork. In addition, each student creates individual works of art for their portfolio that demonstrate their understanding of 2-D design and convey concerns related to a yearly theme.

Photoshop (ACI 10th)

This course focuses on digital imaging and editing using industry-standard Adobe Photoshop for visual, pictorial, and graphic use in film, video production, and other media. The emphasis is on creating and enhancing imagery for effective production usage, with a focus on basics.

The course will explore the ever-changing trends in which digital design plays a key role on big, small, and web-based screens, from still images to moving images. Students will synthesize imaging of the arts and design throughout history, within various cultures and subcultures. They will also learn how to express methods and theory, such as the elements and principles of design, to enhance their artistic vision and style. Art critiques and presentations will provide opportunities for students to grow as artists.

The history and development of major printing processes, application layout, and design as it applies to a variety of substrates, environmental considerations, and restrictions, as well as legal restrictions as they relate to the field of Graphic Design and intellectual property as a whole, will also be covered in this course.

Illustrator (ACI 11th)

This course covers the study of vector graphics using Adobe Illustrator, an industry-standard software for creating drawings, illustrations, and artworks. The course emphasizes creating a variety of design materials, including logos, icons, charts, infographics, posters, ads, books, magazines, and brochures.

Through hands-on projects, tutorials, and step-by-step resources, students will learn the skills used in the design process. They will also explore the working world of the graphic design industry and focus on the basics. To develop their artistic vision and style, students will learn about color theory and design principles.

As students work on their projects, they will strengthen their analytical reading, expository writing, and oral communication skills. They will complete critiques, writing reflections, and projects to demonstrate their digital graphics and illustration knowledge.


This course introduces students to the tools, concepts, processes, and academic study of digital photography. By exploring the manual operation of the camera and digital editing of photographs, students develop their technical skills, bolster their visual literacy, and improve their ability to perceive design principles. The projects in this course are designed to scaffold the artistic process (imagine, plan, make) and teach critique to help students reflect, refine, and revise their work by creating and responding to photographs. The course also guides students to advance the content of their photography by analyzing photographers, photographs, and photographic trends, while expanding their ability to relate the viewer's response to the artwork and their contextual awareness (social, cultural, political). Throughout the course, students synthesize subjects and content while utilizing the photographic process in their work. The course culminates in the selection and preparation of work for a quality portfolio and presentation of work in an exhibition.


This is an introductory course where students will explore the tools, concepts, processes, and academic study of ceramic art making. Students will create original artworks employing multicultural perspectives of historical and contemporary ceramic art, that demonstrate their understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design. Students will gain technical knowledge of ceramic construction and firing processes. Students will read texts and learn art vocabulary and concepts that they will use to create verbal and written analyses of their own artwork, the artwork of their peers, and the artwork of historical and contemporary artists. Students will analyze the role that this ancient art form plays in our contemporary society and how ceramics can be both utilitarian and an art form. Students will discuss and explore why ceramics as an art form is still considered a relevant medium in our globalized society.

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Luis Rendon, Jr. Department Chair

AP Studio Art, Art, and Draw & Paint 

Daarina Abdus-Samad

Art 7 and Art 8

Alison Garfinkel

Advanced Drama, High School Drama, Middle School Drama, and Stage Tech

Devette Johnson

Graphic Design 1 and Graphic Design 2

Heather King

Chamber Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Intermediate Orchestra, Beginning Orchestra, and Music Theory

Jacob Melgoza

Marching Band/Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Advanced Band, Intermediate Band, and Beginning Band

Darcy Naganuma

Dance Production, Intermediate Dance, High School Beginning Dance, Middle School Beginning Dance, and 6th Grade Beginning Dance 

Yvonne Ramsey

Art 9

Art Faculty/Course

Luis Rendon- Department Chair
Daarina Abdus Samad
Marjani Elgenedy
Alison Garfinkel
Devette Johnson
Heather King
Jacob Melgoza
Yvonne Ramsey
Luis Rendon Jr

List of Courses Offered
Art 6
Art 7
Art 8
Art Paint/Draw
AP Studio Art
Graphic Design
Jazz Ensemble 
Band Beginning
Band Intermediate
Band Advanced
Studio Band
Marching Band
Music Theory
AP Music Theory
Beginning Orchestra
Intermediate Orchestra
Advanced Orchestra
Performing Orchestra
Drama (7th through 12th)
Drama Advanced
Stage Tech (High School only)
Chorus (6th through 12th)
Advanced Chorus
Vocal Ensemble