News and Updates
ZERO Distractions Cell Phone Policy: Marshall will be continuing our focus on academics and instruction by enforcing a ZERO Distractions Cell Phone Policy. Students are required to put their cell phones away upon entering each class. Teachers will have a designated area in their classroom for this purpose. Students may retrieve their cell phones at the conclusion of each class. Additionally, students will be expected to have their cell phones put away throughout the school day to limit distractions, deter from inappropriate cell phone use, and instead focus on academics and building a positive school community. We look forward to once again topping the charts in academics and fostering a positive school climate in the 2024-2025 school year, with ZERO Distractions. Eagles SOAR!
Marshall Fundamental Student/Parent Handbook
Marshall’s Student/Parent Handbook contains all the information you need to navigate the school. Important information includes: the bell schedule, school calendar, staff phone directory, school rules (cell phone and electronic device policy, dress code, tardy and attendance policy, and more), academic programs, 8th grade promotion and high school graduation requirements, etc. Did you know delivery of items such as gifts and restaurant food are not allowed? Click here to read the 2024-2025 Marshall Fundamental Student/Parent Handbook!
El manual para padres y estudiantes de Marshall contiene toda la información que necesita para navegar por la escuela. La información importante incluye: el horario del timbre, el calendario escolar, el directorio telefónico del personal, las reglas escolares (política de teléfonos celulares y dispositivos electrónicos, código de vestimenta, política de tardanzas y asistencia, y más), programas académicos, los requisitos para participar en la promoción del octavo grado y los requisitos para graduación de la escuela secundaria, etc. ¿Sabía usted que no se permite la entrega de artículos como regalos y comida de restaurante? ¡Haga clic aquí para leer el Manual de Marshall Fundamental de 2024-2025 para los Estudiantes y Padres!
Download the 2024-2025 PUSD Student Handbook here! The Parent/Student Handbook is an annual publication containing updated information for the families of Pasadena Unified including rights and responsibilities, and district, local, state, and federal policies that impact all students. You'll find information on student and parent rights, expectations for behavior and attendance, parent involvement, calendar information and more.
¡Descargue el Manual Informativo de PUSD de 2024-2025 para Padres/Familias aquí! El Manual para padres y estudiantes es una publicación anual que contiene información actualizada para las familias del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pasadena. Este incluye los derechos y responsabilidades, las políticas (distritales, locales, estatales y federales) que afectan a todos los estudiantes. Encontrará información sobre los derechos de los estudiantes y los padres, expectativas de comportamiento y asistencia, participación de los padres, información del calendario y más.
7th Grade Honors English Summer Assignments
Incoming Seventh Grade Honors students have homework this summer (2024). At the beginning of the school year, students will be assessed on the reading and written assignment will be submitted on Canvas for a grade. Testing of the vocabulary will begin with the first twenty vocabulary words and will continue throughout the school year in groups of twenty. Click here to access the 7th Grade Honors English Summer Homework Packet.
Marshall Fundamental is hosting its annual “Transition Night”, on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., beginning in the auditorium. Transition Night is for families and students new to Marshall Fundamental and current Class of 2028, 8th Grade Families transitioning from middle to high school, to learn about the transition. This is for families at all grade levels. It is the chance to meet current parents and students and learn about our student clubs, athletics, and activities. Information regarding our parent groups and our community partners will be shared as well. Join us to gain valuable information about our upcoming 2024 – 2025 School Year and set your student up for success.
The presentation will be led by Principal Lori Touloumian and the Marshall Fundamental Administrative Team in the auditorium. There will be a general information session followed by small group workshops. There will also be an opportunity for you to speak with our Parent Group Leaders and Community Partners. Your child will be engaged in activities led by our student leaders. We look forward to seeing you and thank you for making Marshall Fundamental your first choice in public education.
Submit a question in advance for Principal Lori Touloumian and the Marshall Fundamental Administrative Team: Submit Questions Here.
The Marshall Fundamental Annual Fund Committee is seeking auction items for the upcoming Annual Fund event on Friday, May 3, 2024 (Star Wars' Eve) - Hosted at the Shakespeare Club in Pasadena.
They are looking for auction items that are unique experiences, sports and theater tickets, and/or vacation rentals.
Call or text 626-644-4426 to donate or email: