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  Contact Title Contact Information

Abdus-Samad, Daarina


Fine Arts Teacher - Middle School





Acuña, Alejandra Math Teacher Email


Agvanian, Zara

Math Teacher - Middle/High School


Aleman, Nadia

English Language Instructional Coach

Email; Ext. 64093


Alfaro, Adan  Physical Education Teacher Email


Ardon, Pricilla

Math Teacher


Arroyo, Noah

Special Education Teacher



Avila, Susan

Math Teacher Email


Banuelos, Melissa, MSW, ASW

Clinical Social Worker Email


Barrett, Courtney

Social Science Teacher - Middle School



Battista, Gregory, MM,BSN,RN

School Nurse 

Email; Ext. 64085


Beadle, Gerron

Instructional Aide -Special Education Email


Boling, William

English Teacher - High School Email


Bryant, Heather Special Education Teacher Email


Caruso, Rebecca

6th Grade Teacher Email


Castell, Racheal

Instructional Aide -Special Education Email


Castillo, Gloria
Bilingual School Community Assistant Email; Ext. 64038
Castillo, Issa Spanish Language teacher Email


Champo, Moises

World Language Teacher Email


Charles, Catherine

Counselor Email


Cuellar, Rebeca

Science Teacher - Middle School Email


Cunningham, Carla

Instructional Aide - Special Education Email
De La Torre, Ramon Financial Aid Advisor Email; Ext.  64048

Dickerson, Sara

6th Grade Teacher Email

Dodd, Maury

Custodian Email


Dominguez, Maribel

Counselor Email
Duboucheron, Roxanne English Teacher Email
Duong, Brendan Science teacher  Email



Senior Clerk Typist for Assist. Principal Valadez Email; Ext/ 64078


Elliott, Ericka

Instructional Aide - Special Education Email
Espinosa, Michelle Choir Director & AP Music Theory Teacher Email


Fackrell, Benjamin


Click here to read Mr. Fackrell's Back to School Night presentation

Science Teacher - High School Email


Federico, Joseph

Physical Education Teacher & Baseball Coach Email
Fletcher, Jeffrey Photography Teacher Email


Flores, Claudia


Email; Ext 64044


Flores, Salvador ("Sal")

Head Custodian Email

Galdamez, Maria 

Click here to read Ms. Galdamez's Back to School Night presentation

Spanish Teacher Email

Gálvez, Connie

Spanish Teacher Email


Garcia, Magdalena ("Maggie")

Health Clerk

Email; Ext.64089

  Garcia, Veronica Attendance Clerk Ext. 64092


Gardener, Norwin

Special Education Teacher Email


Garfinkel, Alison

Drama Teacher (and Stage Tech) Email


Gilliland, Jeannine



Science Teacher - Middle School Email

Green, Audrey

Assistant Principal - Activities and Student Services Email


Gunnell, Christine

Special Education Teacher Email


Hang, Truu

Math Teacher - High School Email
Harris, Ivan RTI Coach Email


Humdy, Victoria (“Ms. Vicci”)

District Security Officer Email
Hu, Robin Math Teacher Email


Isaacs, Renee

School Psychologist Email


Jarashow, Daniel

Science Teacher - Middle and High School Email
Jennings, Kyle Speech Psychologist Asst.  Email; Ext. 64040 

Johnson, Annie

Security Officer Email

Johnson, Devette

Graphic Design Teacher Email

Johnston, Anthony

Custodian Email

Jumal, Karume

Math Teacher - Middle School/ Track & Field Coach Email
Kealing, Felita
Asst. Coordinator, Marketing, Student Recruitment, and Community Relations Email;
Ext. 64093

Keith, Marjorie

English Teacher - Middle School Email

King, Heather

Orchestra Director Email

Lamphere, John ("Wesley")

LEARNs Coordinator Email; 64425
  Lee, Joshua Teacher Email

Lee, Sang

English Teacher - High School Email

Lira, Beth

Middle School Social Science Teacher Email
  Lorenz, Melissa English Teacher & AP Capstone Email 

Lundy, Michael

Physical Education Teacher Email

MacInnes, Marti

Click here to read Ms. Mac's Back to School Night presentation.

English Teacher Email

Mai, Brandon

Math Teacher Email

Maker-Bilandzija, Jessica

English Teacher - Middle School Email

Makiyama, Stan

Physical Education Teacher

  Markarian, Shahan Bookkeeper Email; Ext. 64041
  McKimson, Sebastian Instructional Aide - Special Education Email 
  Medina, William
Social Science Teacher Email

Melkumyan, Irada

Click here to read Ms. Melkumyan's Back to School Night presentation.  

Math Teacher - High School Email

Messler, Edward

Special Education Teacher Email

Meza, Luis

Physical Education Teacher Email

Millan, Michael

Social Science Teacher - High School Email

Miller, Jonathan

Math Teacher - Special Education Email

Mora, Gilbert

Counselor Email; Ext. 64026



Morales, Abraham Adaptive PE Teacher Email


Mosher, Gretchen

English Teacher: English 2 (10th) and English 3 (11th) Email


Munoz, Salvador

School Psychologist Email


Myles, Reggie

Instructional Aide - Special Education Email


Naganuma, Darcy

Physical Education Teacher - Dance - Middle & High School Email
Assistant Principal Marysia Narvaez


Narvaez, Marysia

Assist. Principal – Instruction and Curriculum Email


Nobles, Mary

Instructional Aide -Special Education Email


Ok-Gee, Jin

School Psychologist Email


Pappalardo, James Band Director & Band Teacher Email


Perry-Murdock, Larrysa

Special Education Teacher Email


Portillo, Mayra Instructional Aide -Special Education Email


Ramos, Maria

Data Control Clerk /  Secretary for Asst. Principal Narvaez Email; Ext. 64092


Rendon Jr., Luis

Fine Arts Teacher, Dept. Chair, ACI Lead Teacher Email


Rodriguez, Erick

6th Grade Teacher Email


Rodriguez, Miguel Counselor Email


Rozario, Alexandra

6th Grade Teacher & Middle School ASB Advisor Email


Sakuma, Jeanne

Secretary for Assit. Principal Taylor - Activities Office Email; Ext. 64079


Sandoval, Jasmine Speech Psychologist Assist. Email; Ext. 64040espinoes[
Ms. Scribner


Scribner, Sara

Head Librarian

Email; Ext. 64064


Seo, Sueng-Mee

Science Teacher - High School Email


Serrano, Veronica

Lead 6th Grade Teacher Email


Seto, Ronald


Library Coordinator Email;  Ext. 64064


Shih, Liane

Art Teacher Email


Solis, Donna     Special Education Teacher     Email
  Smith, Kea Security Guard Email


Smith, Kevin

Social Science & AP African American Studies Teacher Email


Stapleton, Jack

English Teacher Email


Stevens, Mary, Ed.D.


Instructional Coach Email; Ext. 64030


Stotlar, Leslie

Science Teacher - Middle and High School Email


Streets, Darius

Response to Intervention (RTI) Coach Email; Ext. 64199


Swartz, Nancy

Social Science Teacher Email


Tanefski, Lauren

English Teacher




Tello, Jason

Special Education Teacher



Ter-Grigorian, Avetis

Special Education Teacher and Special Education Department Chair Email


Tornek, Joshua

Social Science Teacher - High School Email


Torres, Anthony

Custodian Email


Torres, Maria

Counselor Email
Principal Lori Touloumian


Touloumian, Lori

Principal Email


Tovalin, Alina

Secretary to the Counselors Email; Ext. 64025


Valadez, Marcela  Assistant Principal, Guidance & Discipline Email 


Valentine, Fara

Science Teacher - High School Email


Van Rosmalen, Andrea

English Teacher/ Swiming & Diving Coach Email


Villalobos, Carlos

Principal's Secretary /Office Manager Email; Ext. 64094
  Wallace, Cherrish  Security Officer Email


Watson, LaJuan

Science Teacher Email


Watson, Lewis

Math Teacher, Dept. Chair Email


Wess, Angela Instructional Aide -Special Education Email


Wu, Jia ("Berry")

Math Teacher - High School Email


Yamanouye, Lisa

6th Grade Teacher Email